I smell like blood
I like starve my self for a while then I kinda stop them I start again
Idk what this is
I think I’m gonna have to have some vaccinations soon am I’m freaking out
I’m literally lying to my parents faces
Is this cape season pass ??
My younger sister is so much prettier than me
What are psych wards like in the uk ?
I have to eat because my parents get suspicious
I like feeling hungry
I like the blood
I just want to disappear
It’s become an addiction
I saw the first person I’ve ever met in real life with a semi-colon tattoo and it made me feel hopeful
Guys who is this character ? Because I got it as a like reference for a secret drawing collab on insta and I need to draw them but idk who they are.
What is this ?
Does anyone know who this artist is ?
Does what art my like taste?
I get all sweaty and disgusting
I can’t walk by myself because I feel like everyone is judging and staring at me
I like feeling bad
I want to die but I’m afraid of dying