About Molly's fate
Which characters from other shows/movies do you think have similarities with HG characters?
What song feels like this
Little drawing I did of Wanda
Which MCR song fits my three favorite movies best?
Do you usually dress according to the movie you're going to see if you're a fan?
What's your favorite underwater level?
“How old were you when you watched your first Final Destination movie? And which one was it?”
My Velma Cosplay 🧡
What song had you TEARING up?
I loved it
The next FD movie should center around a circus or zoo.
What was the dumbest death in the Final Destination franchise?
Can we show these songs some love?
My Frank inspired scorpion tattoo
I carve little gnomes and I made Dani.
When Gerard sings "Give me a shot to remember" in The Sharpest Lives he means a shot of alcohol or like, a gun shot? "And you can take all the pain away from me"
What mcr song do you not care for?
I asked him about the president
Im new to the group!
Challenge !!!
Every Final Destination Has One — Day 1
I used to get a strange feeling when I was little whenever I saw Kris Lemche in Final Destination 3 (🫦😔). Dude was so nice. I wish emo people were real.
Ei pessoal vcs se importam com a quantidade de karmas que vcs tem ou nem dá tanta importância?