Is this pretty much everyone's experience this wipe? Unplayable stutters for me...
Is there supposed to be pain during a cardiac ablation?
[Discussion] Can you get banned for abusing the alt f4 transit bug to extract?
Pc rebooting mid raid only on this game pls help [Feedback]
PC hard crashing when loading raid [Bug]
PirateSoftware documenting the content creators
Has anyone else’s OBS been crashing a lot lately?
Twitch stream being disconnected
F**K YOUUUUU!!!!!!
How long do you keep your snus under your lip?
Zopiclone is terrible
S.T.A.L.K.E.R. 2: Heart of Chornobyl - Patch 1.0.2 is here!
Meme coin advice and strategies....I'm getting rekt
Is there any way for me to delete all my posts up until a specific date or something like that?
Wondering something about the new Experimental POIs and Pregens (Patch B317 hotfix)
Help me understand why YT livestream quality is so bad at certain scenes as demonstrated in post legit or scam?
Help me understand why YT live quality is so bad at certain stuff vs other services (example in post)
Youtube vs Twitch/Kick livestream more of blocky quality on certain scenes
Anyone played Action Quake 2?
Anyone else unable to log on to Geforce Experience?
Crouch keybind, pls help!
Are there difference in ingest servers and or ports between desktop and mobile livestream ?
Looking for THE best 5g router/gateway that has external 4g AND 5g atenna support