verdade seja dita, o janitor ai só está essa merda porque os devs querem deixar o aplicativo "sfw" para a droga dos investidores.
busco amigos otakus
devs, I understand that nsfw images are prohibited, but please let me at least see the images in the descriptions 😭😭
Siririca fracassense
I know it must be a joke but I just wanted to use the site without it crashing or showing this 😭
For some reason the images of the character descriptions are not appearing for me. I've tried restarting and everything, but they just don't appear :/ (I tested this on bot creators that put images in the description, and still nothing.)
It’s been 100 days since I initially reported this bug, and it still exists, so I’m reporting it again
are you fucking kidding me???
the application is not working, what is this?
Which comment made you gasp in surprise or burst into laughter?
Perfectly normal words you hate using?
Que personalidade eu passo? Não precisa esculachar, minha autoestima não está das melhores kk
Comprei pra presentiar meu irmão, será que ele vai gostar ??
Animes que me descrevem 🙂
"achou que a katana iria ser de graça Leo?"
Does anybody else feel like cheating when using occ?
É verdade que mulher tem nojo de homem que demonstra fraqueza, insegurança e problemas mentais?
Who do you think had the best sensei and student relationship?
Pão francês, corretivo, geladinho e chinelo…
Desenhando mulheres de um jeito bobinho
É o que sobra pro Betinha
What message did the bot send that made you look like that?
Namorada de vocês aí