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V Train?
Why city own office building are not maintained??
Portfolio review - should I simplify?
Can anyone explain printing permits (Inyo wilderness permit)??
What should I know about hiking the Emerald Lake trail in early May?
Transport options from Bishop to trailhead
BxM1 Express Bus Tried Going Super Express this morning
Why do OMNY card readers have screens?
What were your reasons for opening starting a 457 plan?
Is there a way to remove "Write with AI" from the long-press pop up in a keyboard? It appears in both Gboard and OpenBoard.
Getting back to Denver from durango
What are 3 things you would change about NYC to make it the perfect city?
Passed over?
Supervisor Contact at NYCERS
Keeping a DeLonghi Dedica EC685R clean?
Tier 6 Early Retirement + Health Insurance (NYC)
Question regarding health insurance for tier 6 members.
Being healthy and obese is a myth: "If you are obese and have normal blood pressure, cholesterol and blood-sugar readings, you will still be unhealthy and die sooner compared with people who have a more normal body weight"
How Much Cooking for Yourself Really Saves You in New York
You might be a hipster, but you'll never be a hipster spinning thread a a BMW Service waiting room...
If companies had realistic slogans what would they be?
How do you develop taste for healthier foods?
The Border
Golfer climbs tree and takes one-handed, backwards swing during PGA Tour