I do not care what people say, there are no ugly pieces
Thanks, I guess?
What is this supposed to be and what does it do?
Found one
This is how I learned about loss
the car has been pet
I took myself out on a date
This is a pure copper sulfate crystal. I spent 2 months growing it
Bandaid on my thumb ripped paint off my $190 Apple Keyboard
Found this behind my ear what is it?
Warframe Giveaway Celebrating us reaching 700k members!
What is this thing?
The little bun I rescued from a airport parking lot.
Guess who found a worm in their can of peaches after they already ate most of the can?
Three of our chicken in the garden
Wie viel kostet ein Feuerlöscher?
Imagine looking this pretty in a sink
Is it possible to fill this area with beds so there are no spaces left.
Why am I feeling guilty?
Beautiful, Showstopping, Never done before
🔥Wasp Nest grown around the Floodlights of this Garage
I just ate some really good lunch at work
A beaver in a rehab facility decided to build a dam by the doorway
I welcome the cold weather
New to this