It’s been 8 months since losing my Dad to pancreatic cancer
Do your Siberian cats have favourite people?
Dropsy or pregnant?
Pick me Sarah Ann wins the actual devil spot closing out the neutral column! On to the final category—BAD edit ➡️ what LIB woman do you think was shitty with a bad edit?
Mom recently diagnosed and refusing treatment and any kind of western medicine.
De-influence Me from buying all these
Results don’t look great
[M 44] chat am I cooked
Any recs for a multispeed step through bike?
i tried to kill myself
Results of the Annual Stuff You've Tried Survey - part 3 - supplements, therapy, and antihistamines
In an attempt to curb my compulsive skin picking, I’ve given myself rounded polygel
I went away for ONE night...I'm sorry okay 😭
Do you ever go through periods where you don’t feel interested in polishes anymore?
I love animals but I think dogs are gross
Feeling discouraged and having body dysmorphia due to comments
80s style high school yearbook photo of my dog
How To Look Like I am in my Mid 20s
🔥 My feelings will not be repressed. You must allow me to to tell you how ardently I admire and love you.
Did a French tip for the first time. It was…..not easy 🥲
What are some of the marks you realized your nparent left on you?
What country in Europe has the most attractive people?
Bri Season 9
How do I make it not miserable in here?