hypnoslut starter park
What’s your favorite song on Transcendental Youth?
Donald Fagen comments on Trump's inauguration
Source: the comments section of the Stereogum article on how there's a new Pavement song on the Pavements soundtrack
Semi Unrelated but does the "lesbian to straight" take away some of the appeal to anyone esle, or is it just me (mirimubu)
Empty promises: “Flashing Lights” is our least favorite song on Sweden. Which track do you think is underrated?
Never took Trump as a Wowee Zowee fan
they are breaking my immersion 😭
Is hypno real or genuinely just a roleplay
How did your hypnokink start?
And we're done! A big thank you to everyone who participated, and for the enthusiasm overall. I'm glad there was fun to be had :)
Sort comments by Q&A and read the rules, because this is the last round of voting.
Dissolving the corporation in a pool of margaritas. Now what's your least favorite song on EMG? Top comment wins.
What are you listing to…
Who makes the morning fabulous? Possibly youuuu! What's your favorite song on Everything Must Go? Top comment wins.
Deliciously toxic! Some interesting stuff going on in that last thread. But now, what's an underrated song from Two Against Nature? (you know, besides like... all of them) MEDIAN COMMENT WINS—explanation in comments
Rolling a snowball down a hill
Simple relaxation
Looks like y'all called out his name, but don't stop! What's your least favorite TAN track? Top comment wins.
Never saw it coming. But anyway, what's the most underrated Pretzel Logic cut? ~Remember, the most upvoted comment wins~
Got the results direct from Lhasa. Two Against Nature fans, your time has finally come—what's your favorite on this first late-period record? Top comment wins.
My friend did a tier list of their albums based solely on looks
Get along, Kid Charlemagne! On to your least favorite Royal Scam cut—these votes don't get less painful, haha. ~most upvoted comment wins~
the smELLLLLLL of prickly peeAAAAAHHHH // Calling all underrated Gaucho tracks. MEDIAN comment wins—explanation in comments