Screw all materialistic things, are you happy with yourself?
Name 1 thing you are addicted to.
No matter how much you fight, what’s one thing you’ll never get back?
whats ur fav emoji and why?
What is your fuck everything song?
What profession would you never date?
why do childhood friendships feel more authentic than adult friendships?
What food in India can be 100% guaranteed to be acceptable for people of all religions?
I know people on reddit are addicted to bananas....
Man I love bananas
What do you classify yourself as?
what are some small things you do to make life more whimsical and fun
drop ur fav songs of all time
humans only care about bloodshed when its THEIR blood and THEIR shed.
I found my brother after he committed suicide. AMA
What has been bothering you for a long time but nobody asks you about it?
Why do you use reddit?
what's a subtle sign that someone isn't a good person?
You Ever Think About How You’ll Never Actually See Your Own Face?
Can NEET books be used for JEE preparation [chem,physics]
Weirdest craving you've had after sex?
Do you guys also shower with socks on?
Just a strawberry what are you looking at?
My lattes keep flipping me off
Discarded Mattresses