Was there ever a time when you felt that you had to give up on a kid?
Successful scapegoats, what’s been making you happy?
So how we all surviving this flu?
Kids Found Out I'm Gay and Now I'm Dreading Monday
I thought I was teaching high school, not reliving it???
Student called me a “Bi**h”
Women of this subreddit, is this statement from my mom true?
3rd-Grader Having Blowouts
Chapstick controversy
Did you have a Golden Child sibling? Did they seek out revenge against you?
Induction Had To Be Scheduled on Her Birthday…
I’m having a baby at literally the worst time..
Students that "appreciate" your body
Teacher keeps suggesting a diagnosis.
How to finish this email...
US women: safer to be married or unmarried in our current political climate?
Some men have a motherhood kink.
Degrading nicknames
Nparents nickname for you?
⚠️ If you almost committed suicide because of your family, what stopped you?
Asked my husband if he would pay my bail
Principal sent us ICE protocols today
Sneaux Day excuses needed!
I pulled a "customer service rep" spiel on a complaining parent to avoid trouble.
Children drop-off at a different school?