My Special Lady made me a Lebowski mirror for my bday
My Special Lady made me a Lebowski Achiever mirror for my bday
Day of the dude is upon us!
This is a bummer man.
Funniest moment of worlds end? "Gary thinks we should keep up with the crawl because they know what we're doing but they don't that we know what there doing, so basically no one has a better idea so fuck it!" Proceeds to smash a hole in a door window....
My uncle shared this gem
What’s your favorite Homestar Runner appearance in an outside media?
Thank you, yinzers!
First fox
What is your favorite still image from the whole series?
Best line by non-main cast members
First deer
Stay the fuck out of Malibu, EVERYBODY!
This is Malibu - one of the wealthiest affluent places on the entire planet, now it’s being burnt to ashes.
Pray for me this power won’t be back on till tomorrow night
Heavy winds knock out power to residents around Western Pa.
It was a good Christmas! ❄️
My Pittsburgh Coffee rankings
fuckin’ A, man…
Oregano from the 80s
Found a Hellbender while fishing!
Is Pittsburghese becoming “extinct”?
First snowfall of the season ! Annex Ave, Dormont
When you were a kid, did you ever think to yourself, man, I can't wait til I'm older and spending my evenings perusing an online forum, regurgitating quotes from a 25 year old movie about a cannabis-smoking alcoholic?
Now that you mention it - no