I saw it and knew I had to post it.
they look a little alike
do y'all have any suggestions for the free slots?
Cover of The Brothers Karamazov by Verbum publishing
Que librerías recomiendan de Bolivia?
Nobel Prize winners who don't get talked about much?
Que les parece knut hamsun?
Adachi woman
Petah, why is she crying?
Let them be runners who respect each other
Can I still get the true golden ending?
These two audiovisual works are more similar than they seem if you think about it.
If this were showtime I wouldn't be complaining.
Who is right?
The worst thing I saw today
What books would you associate with palace bosses?
Do you recommend the rest of the games in the Steins;Gate universe?
Would you like to add the option to break up with your current girlfriend in Persona 6?
Any advice?
some sayuri fanarts i found
Today I painted the Sayuri, and although it is not perfect I wanted to show you
futaba's future
Makoto with altered reality