What Lyric Describes Your Relationship Status?
Let's say I'm an eccentric billionaire, giving away money to a select few who respond to this post.
If public nudity were legal everywhere, what would be the one thing stopping you from partaking in it?
Tips? Advice? Ideas? Thankyou kind ladies of Reddit. Be brutally honest I don’t mind
If you die today, what is that one thing you will regret the most?
What made you decide to not have kids?
Where do you see yourself in 60 years?
What is a lesser known show that is incredible to binge?
What is a privilege that you have that you don’t think the majority has?
Woody Harrelson is unexpectedly wholesome, especially given the whole Rampart debacle.
What is the scariest sentence or phrase you have ever heard?
What’s a discontinued product or service you still miss to this day?
What’s an adult problem nobody prepared you for?
[Entry Thread #102] Happy post-Valentine’s Day! Today, we’re also looking for a special someone, specifically a Redditor, to make into a millionaire. If you’re interested, comment to enter!
What is the most egregious thing Trump has done since taking office again?
How much a month are you paying in rent?
AITA for laughing when my girlfriend asked me to try anal?
I can't have gluten so screw your recipe!
If you were going to torture someone, what song would you play on repeat?
AIO my bf hurt me then apologising and promising not to do it again? (Update)
AITA for reacting this way?
AITA because i hacked an old friends instagram and posted about her infidelity
While watching the news at dinner I thought to myself, “I can’t believe this man is facing capital punishment for this”
Clutching my bleeding head under the looming shadow of my attacker, I'm suddenly saved by a four legged superhero with fangs; tearing into and forcing him to flee for his life.
Your screen name is now your job, what are you doing 9-5?