who else has chosen their own name? what is it?
how old were you when you knew you were nonbinary? i was 26.
vegan on long island
any other enbies out there who battle chronic illnesses?
new hair… feeling so affirmed and androgynous 🖤
a passion of mine: swimming!
this is my hair now and i’m thinking of going for a haircut like this. what do you think? don’t be afraid to be honest!
Pronouns at work
does anyone else have few/no friends?
Credit to the rightful creator ofc, what are you guys?
Have you ever had a relationship with someone you met in hospital
How are you today?
My coworker called me a transvestite and refuses to use they/them pronouns when referring to me.
anyone else’s parents not get it or just flat out reject them?
Why are the most effective treatments for depression gatekept?
Nonbinary veterans?
what kind of enby vibe do i give?
Does anyone else have parents who don’t accept their name or pronouns?
am i on too much medication? i seem to be mostly stable…any input welcome
my family may never understand and come to terms with it…
here’s my med list, can you guess any of my diagnoses?
anyone else on Mestinon/Emend?
my gastroparesis doesn’t feel valid because i’m slightly “overweight”
Tell me your name and I’ll write it on my flag :)