Your all time best CAPCOM game
imitation: the best form of flattery
Soooo did everyone go ghoul or were there some holdouts?
What game does this remind you of?
Now this is what I call an Armor Passive
Thoughts on the new pyrofckers
W: 5 Limit Breaker and Thru Hiker mod boxes, H: Caps, Flux, Brahmin/Deathclaw masks. or comment what you want
W: Leaders H: Glowing Bigfoot, FCJS, WPJS, BOS
New vendor in WS is selling lumens and he got a lot of them
What is your favourite shotgun in gaming?
Which games fit this description?
Describe a Game poorly :3
Turning off the Pi show
How did you name your seikret?
Which game is this for you?
Hopefully you guys will appreciate this one
What game comes to mind when you see this?
What games are you playing this weekend?
Stratagem Idea: Charger v2
She loves Super Earth with all her hearts!
Any freedom being administered around the new planets?
Rate my bachelor pad (budget cuck chair included).
Scorchbeast dropped through the roof of my castle and started throwing it back post mortem??