Does anybody else ever think about the good times?
I haven’t had the best experience…
Am I hormonal or is my marriage in danger
How do we sleep in 3rd trimester?
did anyone have an increase in appetite their first trimester ?
When did you stop shaving?
How far along are you and what are you craving?
Well it’s finally happening. I’m officially sick of being pregnant.
37+3 and it feels like I’ve been pregnant for years
Have you discussed parenting styles with your partner yet?
Help! Is labor starting soon?
I(25F) feel like my bf(32M) has a gaming addiction and it’s affecting our relationship
Who else is awake? 3am EST. 32 weeks and I can’t sleep…
DAE not care if they die?
Maxis Knew exactly what they were doing when adding this shirt.....
How long have been with your partner before getting pregnant?
Period like cramps in the third trimester..
Anybody else had their baby earlier than their due date?
FTM when did you first feel movement/kicking?
How long did it take you to get pregnant?
Collecting colostrum
Explain the feeling of baby moving in your belly
DAE just snap the spaghetti noodles in half, so they actually fit in the pot?
DAE Hear all kinds of strange noises when taking a shower?