Getting into the Marvel universe
Which bumbling idiot in a cool armour is your favourite?
Is there actually Iron Man fans who are not MCU fans?
Who/What haven't we jerked about enough?
not my meme but seriously a good question
Just watched JJ Star Trek 09
I hate how Batman is morally consistent, he would be a better hero if he was a hypocrite who put his own loss above others
Bargain bin found
Anonymous sources in Lucasfilm indicate Kazuda "Kazrizzma" Xiono will be the love interest of Rey Skywalker in the new movie. Box office analysts now expect it to be the first ever trillion dollar movie.
I love the Yuuzhan Vong and think they’re really cool because they’re ridiculous
Prequels this, originals that, everyone shut up and admit that THIS is the best George Lucas trilogy.
When you cause the destruction of multiple planets at once but switch teams cause your boss was mean to you
Dark and gritty kids show
The perfect star wars what if series yuuzhan vong started their invision during the clone wars
Resistance >> any other part of Star Wars
Marvel is about Marvel characters, DC is about DC characters
Marvel is about heroes killing Hitler, DC is about gods failing to kill Hitler
Which way western man?
After rewatching every film back to back I believe Revenge of the Sith is George's greatest film. The magnum opus of Star Wars.
I just got back from watching [MCU movie (202X)]
24/7 unlimited access to pornography ruined an entire generation's perception of what sex is
Honestly, great as she was, I also thought Supergirl appeared a bit too early.
Do you think ILM artists have nightmares about Devastator ruining their computers every night?
Gentlemen, I am currently working on a Spy cosplay. Keep a close eye on your mothers!
You’re free to like Revenge of the Sith, but don’t delude yourself that it was a great movie
starkiller is the real mary sue not rey
Remember that time Starkiller killed the entire Skywalker family and all their friends