AIO My fiancé isn’t invited to the wedding because the bride doesn’t want people thinking she is prettier than her
What is your unpopular opinion about Australia?
Considering a Move to the U.S. – Seeking Advice
What percetange of your personal income goes on skincare?
AITA for accepting a bonus and then quitting?
Oz Visa living in a van?
Is trump just hitler part 2?
What's a widely accepted Aussie cultural thing that you don't relate to?
Genuinely Considering Moving to Australia
What do you call your fur baby?
Donald Trump Impeachment Articles Filed. Here's What Happens Next
Watching the USA lately is like watching a close relative succumb to a serious mental illness or addiction. Who agrees?
Why is there such an emphasis on egg price?
What habits do foreigners exhibit in Australia that locals hate?
How do American citizens feel about how the US looks to the rest of the world?
Which hair colour best suits me?
Why aren’t sheet masks that popular in the US? Just curious
Have you always known you were childfree or was there a situation that made you realize?
People so eager for you to procreate don’t want a baby either!
People Who Were Around During The Jeffrey Dahmer Incident, What Was It Really Like?
Calling all Soap Fans
This is blatant propaganda
What phrase annoys you when hear it?
Best Place to go from U.S.?
Rushing to have kids