Different diagnosis type?
What’s the best physical feeling other than anything sex-related?
How can I be more original, when the world already has so many stories?
How do I film my relative without it being obvious or weird?
Family member's IPF
Why is having an iPhone vs an Android phone such a big deal for some women?
I’m DEATHLY scared of my parents dying. They had me when they were in their late 30s. I’m only 14 and these thoughts have only just started coming to me. I’m wondering does anyone have any methods to cope?
Sijoittamisen A ja O?
I'm scared to take the meds I was prescribed
Daily Questions Thread January 19, 2024
Front-end field?
My friend's remarks made me feel awful and I'm resenting
If someone says "all their exes are crazy", is it always a red flag about that person? How often is it the fault of the person and how often their ex?
Feeling empty and isolating
How do I stop myself from crying over not a serious matter?
Some resentment towards parents, how to deal with it?
Friend's passive-aggressive behaviour?