Sundown on the Monongahela
First Porsche
Hazelwood House - Pittsburgh Pennsylvania
These are Nice, imho
Found some tapes yesterday thrifting
Historic Landmark- Abandoned Church- Pittsburgh, Pa.
12 inch to 14 inch bars
Saints Peter and Paul Church- Historic Landmark, Abandoned , Larimer
I’m getting married next month! What pickles would y’all recommend?
This GTS 4.0 looked sweet with the mural - Pittsburgh
Enjoy, St. Paddy’s Day
Happy St. Paddy’s Day
My latest creations
Multiple Teslas set on fire within one hour in Berlin, Germany
Hammock in the Pines - Schenley
The Cathedral and Spires - from Garfield
Good evening Family
Through the Pines - from Schenley park
30M, freshly divorced, ex-wife took the kid, do your worst
First Dry Ride of The Year
Treatment of chinese traitors
Moonbow and PPG
Pickled Tomatoes are so underrated!!
Nothing left to do but... SMILE! SMILE! SMILE!
to not provoke WW3