How bad is it i have time to request a replacement
Giveaway, Regal Rivals Code
Just began playing as Jack, what is there to do?
Any playstation players from Asia wanna try and help me get into Gold?
Any way to wake up my switch from sleep mode using dualsense?
How to revert totk to 1.0.0 with a modded switch
Family game night ruined! Dualsense not working on my Switch anymore : trouble with Mission Control
[OC] [Art] Pure Blood Dice Set Giveaway (Mod Approved)
5th times the charm, hopefully.
Pls ;(
I’ve been looking for so long, pls ;(
Anyone got a PTG Havertz?
Anyone got a PTG Havertz? Not buying 25 and would really like to have him. Thanks.
Anyone moving on to FC25 and have a PTG Havertz?
EA not re-releasing MYM and PTG cards
Web App has just been killed for 24
Long shot but can anyone give me their PTG Havertz or Saliba?
30 year old expat just moved to Thrissur
When does the web app stop supporting FC24 and move to FC25?
How can I get Havertz and Saliba? Is my Arsenal team doomed to be left incomplete?
Amazon delivery guy made me pay for a prepaid order. What should i do?
Chatgpt Roast r/indianbikes
Is there a list of players with unique body types?
Why are there so many calendar enthusiasts on this sub?
My united past and present is finally done!