Intersection on CD?
Album cover worthy? Let's give it a name!
Angry emotional break up songs
Why no episode today
Curious what everyone’s been looping lately
I haven’t been to RCIA in two months, can I still go?
How much would it be for my first tattoo?
Name a fictional character, someone else will say what their favorite hardcore band is
Y’all please pray for me 😭
Does anyone know about this "techniques" cd
im 15. these are my favorite nu/rap metal albums that i like/frequent. im looking for reccomends in this vain.
I felt Our Lady’s grace strongly tonight
Mix/Master review and feedback (beginner)
Big eyes guy [OC]
Is my band’s logo offensive?
Tour starts in a few weeks, who's going?
I am creating an extensive chronological playlist of Midwest Emo Revival (2005-2024) what in your opinions are some the bands that should be on here?
Tell me ONE good thing about this abortion
Got this from another sub, what’s hot mulligan’s most underrated song?
This guy crowd moshes
Rate my halloween coustume
Listen to Sewerslide!!
Hot take: Billie Joe is a bad artist/person
Opinions on Gaijin?