Is this legal? My in laws brag about getting food stamps and finding loopholes.
Slight headache upper left eye
What was your out of pocket cost for your machine?
I'm utterly destroyed about the election
Drew has the worst fashions
Women, what’s your view on living alone?
Joe cheating on Tre
These Joe articles coming out $ issues?
kandi was a terrible friend to phaedra.
Paddleboarding etiquette
How do I respond
RHOA Season 14 Episode 2
Drew, is anyone else feeling extremely guilty watching this?
I’m blaming my husband for my miscarriage.
BF son call him by his name I know it hurts him
I feel like I’m being bullied by my job
Work is bullying me to stay out of state for work.
Could I suffer from mental health issues?
It's my birthday today
Honda pCX 125cc can I ride it on a highway
Anyone else feel kind of bitter that the only “winning” in this situation is moving on and living a happy life without them?
Boyfriend rather end a relationship than admit his lies
Words were spoken over a relationship that is secretly very toxic
Working on detachment
I (F27) moved to Seattle for my boyfriend (M28) to find a used condom in his bathroom the day I get there. Am I crazy for getting the next flight back to NYC?