Stranger in a Strange Land is better than you remember it to be.
I love how Sawyer seems to be a fan of Star Wars during the show, then this happens (Sawyer's love for pop culture)
They never has eyelashes in renaissance painting. Any reason?
I’m Embarrassed
What is this?
How often do you all clear all the Satyr tunnels?
Landscape with Cloud, oil
🚨 The first official MLB The Show 25 post from SDS. How do you think will be the cover athlete?
How can I do six months worth of laundry in one day?
Probably the dumbest question ever
Flatbread with peanut butter and honey
How many people do you think call WBAB regularly for any of their on-air contests?
I’m transported back in time to September 1st, 2001. Realistically, how do I stop 9/11?
Fare increase incoming! What's the first price of a swipe you can remember?
No kosher food available
Moving from FL to Brooklyn
Trying to watch Chronologically Lost, but can't find sources
What was the first moment in the show that made you cry ?
Chronologically LOST
Which still living person has had the farthest fall from grace?
Where to stay when visiting 770.
What’s the first thing you do when you get home?
[Request] how much money would this actually be?
Why isnt there a Food truck at the Ohel?
Important Information Regarding Project Keyboard GMK Sets | Small Update on Mechs and Co Projects