[Launcher] immediately stops working
What’s your favorite low intelligence dialogue
Is It Going to be Called Nine and a Half Seconds?
Is it ok If I am reading a graphical novel of the Bible instead of a normal one?
The amount of hate Catholics get from social media (especially TikTok) from fellow Christians from a certain denomination (If you know, you know) is filling me with anger.
Husband gives me a hard time about going to mass and confession
Who do you think would have won the second battle for Hoover Dam, had the courier not survived his shot to the head?
Fallout New Vegas Fan Celebration Highlights
I haven’t been to RCIA in two months, can I still go?
Where can I get a quest at the Ultra Luxe?
Why not always take Logan's Loophole?
Bible suggestions?
Any Hail Mary miracles you wanna share? Love to hear.
It’s kind of funny that the Legion can still mount a war effort after everything that’s been done to them.
Me and my boyfriend are ‘experimenting’ Sunday and I’m really nervous
The people of the Mojave have decided.
Goblin with a Cello
What is the best way I can be unattractive?
It's for a Role
Are you sure about that?
I think my porn addiction made me physically sick
NSFW- He peed in me
So,tips for a Rambo or (Rambo inspired) build?
I can’t enter Silver Rush properly without being killed
Tried to do a "moral run" and ended up making it way harder than it needed to be.
NCR somehow tracked me to the Sink and this guy is now my roommate.