What to do with a family quilt that I'd like to exit from my life?
Parking at Pollock Testing Center
Multiple Absences But Don't Want Consequences
Best time to call a prof?
Required Attendance
Is this pattern legit?
Nazi spotting downtown
Transfer Languages Credit
Next project
LQS recommendations
Sometimes it’s chef’s kiss, sometimes it’s chef’s middle finger
No Ribbon for Me But That’s Okay
Arts Festival Opinion
who else is without power rn?
My university is under the impression that we have to shut down our DEI committee
Kona Solids- prewash or no?
Cost + Financial Aid
Help me settle a debate...
Student wants a way to improve exam grade because they felt sick during the exam
Student took exam remotely with another class, without permission
Advice on which campuses should I choose.
Adjuncts: Jump Ship Now
Quilters, what are your current/former professions outside of quilting?
Can a high schooler work for history professors or humanities professors in general?