People who judge music based on the lyrics should just read poetry instead
Thoughts on Joni Mitchell?
Parts of songs that you play over and over (Joni “Eargasms”)
Shadows and Light needs more love!
How would you rank their albums?
The Police
Why is Everything Must Go rated as The Dan’s worst album?
I'm curious
Which line gets you every time?
What’s your favourite album of all time?
What's your favorite song of off the debut?
Any recommendations?
New fan; how the fuck is Hejira not a universally known album?
Daily Song Discussion #52: Aja
What synthesizer was used on I.G.Y?
Give me your top 5 artists/bands
What's an album you adore from a band you otherwise don't have any interest in?
Wooooah, no! Did not think you all could be so cruel, but the votes were clear. Now, what's your LEAST favorite song on Countdown to Ecstacy? Remember, the most upvoted comment wins.
Thanks everyone who participated in the first vote—now we do it again :) Round 2! What's your LEAST favorite song off Can't Buy a Thrill? Most upvoted comment wins!
Anyone else find Everything Must Go to be one of their best?
Pianist on Aja and Rikki Don’t Lose That Number Shares Insights
Kind of related: Michael McDonald
I don't know if you agree with me, but Coverdale's Era was much better and more in-depth & experimental in terms of the quality of musical lyrics & song styles than Gillan's era.
What song comes to your mind?
Name the song