Phone conversations on Mad Men
Don’s Driving Times
We just rewatched the whole series and my favorite character is Trudy. Let me tell you why.
Finale Question
Does the misogyny ever get more palatable?
Remove one character
On season 2 of Mad Men and feel disinterested
Series finale question
People who don't want children what is your biggest reasons?
I'm confused.. but does Bob Dylan suck?
Don getting mad at Betty for letting the AC man in
Don saying "You're so Pretty"
I think I know almost everything about Mad Men, ask me a tough question and I'll ask you one back
Why’d Don leave Joy?
The books of Mad Men
Diana’s former house in Racine
Is Mad Men iconic in pop culture ?
I just watched Mad Men for the 1st time ever…
Least favorite character
You know you'll die soon, as an astronaut in a skyscraper. What do you want on your gravestone?
What if Don never assumed a fake identity?
Draper home layout
What is Pete thinking about…
Finished it today. I'm happy and sad.
Harry Crane garners no sympathy for his sleazy actions because he’s not as attractive as the rest.