Finished this monster quilt top last night. Each square is a small Judaic representation and I just made up the whole hanukiah pattern so it grew and grew…! 😀
My first FPP
Finally got this monster on the basting wall. Need to take a break from it and binge some tv 😀
Sophie demands action. Dinner is late.
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My Dog’s a Certified Pill-Spitting Pro—Send Help!
Bowie casually waiting for his friends to come and play with his frisbee.
Finished the Krista Moser quilt: Biggy the Bee
Your favorite picture of your boxer right this very instant!
I made a quilted challah cover for a friend.
Goodbye Merry, I love you
Finally got this Krista Moser Bee quilt! Laid it out. I think I’ll put it together and frame it out to make it bigger …
Starting the Riley Blake Design sewalong with a friend of mine….
Toby needs a snorkel.
Smelly Boxer?
Finished the Pokemon quilt….
Commissioned custom FPP pillow. Quote from Wicked …
Who besides me likes orange and blue quilts?!?
Color Value Help
Our 4 year old Rippy passed away a week ago
My boxer.. who is not allowed on the couch!
Took this WIP out of time out last night!
Backing recommendations-
I know it is a “fragile” time right now. Holiday season. Family, etc. I just need to share that I am missing my boy so much right now. I lost him last April and it still feels like yesterday. Thank you for letting me vent.