I’ve tried everything (I think) - what looks best?
What would happen if I put copper over this mess? Or should I suffer the grow-out process?
is this weird?
My roots are SO long rn and I can’t decide: stay blonde or go brown?
“Bleach disaster” Update: I bleached my hair again and it worked!!!
Where to get affordable produce?
i love baba’s pantry
Downtown Coffee Shops
Free to play pool(billiards) spots?
guy i met on hinge that i’m going hiking with on saturday
Thought this was kinda funny because the car was coated with sand (sorry for stretched photo)
ISO photo booth in KC
Downtown Car Thefts Last Week
First Friday - 5/3/2024
what are the best words you’ve seen for knuckle tattoos?
Time to give back to this wonderful community!
Do you have a Happy Place in KC?
Buddy got fucking robbed at the Fayetteville show
FAKE NEWS! Her cheeks are FINE and VOLUPTUOUS!!
The Axis - Thee Oh Sees
Nobody on this earth is perfect. Always remember that.
do women just not like brown/south asian guys?
Don't mind me, just manifesting some chaos for the universe...
Not sure what hair style/cut would suit me. Any advice/suggestions?