The One With Zombie Apocalypse Day 2!! Who will be in "completely unbothered"?
Do you remember the first Taylor's Song that made you cry?
What Taylor songs are “triplets”? I’ll start.
Any Olivia fans that are also swifties?
help me decide once and for all!
Obscure songs of Taylor’s you’ve heard on the radio?
Help us name our 'O' baby
Currently dealing with the worst glutening I’ve ever experienced
Which color bang is doing the most for me?
What are your sun, moon and rising but as albums of Taylor's?
found this gem looking through an old diary from when i was 11
songs about losing someone to suicide
Got my driver's license at 27!
tfb songs as colours- DAY 7: PINK
Taylor has arrived at the 2025 Grammy Awards!
Songs that speak to your soul 🪄
Ice cream shop says chocolate milkshake is “correctly made” with vanilla ice cream
Where/how do you watch CM?
wish somebody would secretly read my diary
What to put in this space?
Husband built me Lover House
getting an adventure time tattoo and overthinking maybe??
I’m spiraling thinking about my daughters future
tfb songs as colours !! day 1: red