US : Sunny Hostin to Schumer - "I think you caved. I don't think you showed the fight this party needs right now, because you're playing by a rulebook where the other party has thrown that rulebook away"
Sunny Hostin to Schumer - "I think you caved. I don't think you showed the fight this party needs right now, because you're playing by a rulebook where the other party has thrown that rulebook away"
Shouldn't need to be said
It's not about immigration anymore, is it? Was it ever?
America 1.0 is gone
JD Vance spotted in public
Was rejected by dream art school
Flooded basement of old theatre.
Primary everyone of these mf’ers
Bill to ban Chinese people from studying in US introduced
How differently would different people animate the same shot?
I don't want to die at 30
Abandoned Turkish Mafia Villa
"Great Again" has always meant a return to Jim Crow
Texas bill will prohibit kids from acting like animals in school called the F.U.R.R.I.E.S act. Endorsed by Greg Abbott
CA : It passed.
Veteran Kicked Out! This is What the GOP REALLY Thinks of the Veterans. Remember How This Makes YOU Feel When You’re Marching!
Secession flag flying in Birmingham, Alabama
New Outlaw prototype spotted in Paris
New Jaguar prototype spotted in Paris
The Scent, Gabriela Elgaafary, 18*24cm oil painting, 2025
Not even sorry about it
America, where its president tries to get a car brand more rights and protections than he gives trans community
Canadians don't hate America...
I don’t want to grow up. (oc)
I guess it didn't work. That orange turd still occupies the offal office 🤡💩