Another Hilarious Top Comment Youtube Screenshot
If we had DLC in the 1990's...
Hilarious Salvia Trip. We all been there...
Should this type of comic be allowed in r/funny, or should it fall under the no rage comics rule?
I will eat one potatochip for each upvote this gets
Actual Persons Actual Name
I have 5 months off, how can I genuinely improve my life?
McDonald's Worker beats irate customers that jump the counter with a Metal Rod...[NSFW-NSFL]
I think I found Reddit Headquarters.
Make my college dorm poster a little more amazing (NSFW)
Is it racist to say they all look the same...?
Everything we know about the Ps Vita
An FPS where you hold a camera, not a gun.
Should I rent a blockbuster dvd and never return it?
It's time we give this man recognition
I don't get what the big deal about today is...
If you do believe that 9/11 was a conspiracy..
I found Snooki in The Fellowship of the Ring
Watchmen Fix
What is your favourite "Holy Shit" fact? I'll go first.
Every fucking time
Ok, let's say science *is* a religion...
My response to religious folk who say they'd rape & pillage if they didn't believe in Jesus....
This is considered struggling? WTF!